LOCAL TALK 15 November 2022

Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor Jarrod Troy,  Equine Internal Medicine and Emergency veterinarian at ISU answers questions about Equine Colic the signs to be aware of,  proactive measures to take, and Dr. Troy will also discuss treatments.    


Joe Jayjack, communications specialist with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation shares with us information about the Eula and Lawrence Haggie Conservation Award and visits with us about their 2022 recipient, Ames, Iowa resident James Pease. 


Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames remindes us of the snow ordinance which is now in effect and speaks about the CAP meeting and the regular city council meeting and

Stormwater Analyst Liz Calhoun shares tips for last minute outdoor winterizing for yards and gardens and Liz also shared a brief update on some work in Brookside Park including the importance of the freshwater mussels found in that stretch of the Ioway Creek and what was done to provide for their wellfare.


And of course its KHOI’s Fall fund-drive time and KHOI’s Sam Wormley reminds listeners how important it is to support our community radio station, its volunteer and listener supported mission, and its programing with financial contributions.


Originally broadcast 11/15/2022