LOCAL TALK 22 November 2022

We visit with Todd and Stephnie Burras from Ames, Wildbirds Unlimited (WBU) as we review Winter Feeder Birds, part 1    


KHOI’s Sam Wormley helps us as we begin the funding wrap-up for the week and Sam also provides an update on “Artemus” the NASA space craft shakedown cruise to and from our Moon.


Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames  talks a bit about the story book kiosks at Moore Memorial Park and reminds us of the regular City Council meeting this evening.

Resource Recovery Plant Superintendent Bill Schmitt gives some updates on waste reduction programs: Including pumpkins, glass, metals, batteries, and propane tanks. Also, this and next Saturday are free leaf disposal days at 400 Freel Drive.  


We wrap up the program reviewing our locally produced programs and point out the importance of helping support KHOI (Tune-In Tuesday’s) programing.  Following Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now we have a number of locally produced programs that include: Tom Russell’s; All Things Piano,  Donna/Lonna Kitchen, the Community Book Shelf,  KHOI JukeBox with Eric B,  and Science Bytes with Sam Wormley and your’s truely Mike Meetz.  And we can’t forget later in the evening, Heart 2 Heart messages with Anna Magnusson.


Originally broadcast 11/22/2022