LOCAL TALK 25 November 2022

Local Talk for Friday, November 25, 2022 was hosted by Pat Schlarbaum and featured the Dennis Hart news summary from the Ames Tribune.

Dave Conrads with University of Iowa Wild Program with Iowa Raptor Project discussed his interest in hawks and other birds of prey.  Dave has been instrumental in hiring personnel that can fly educational hawks at the University of Iowa football games.  Upwards of 70,000 spectators are able to enjoy a free flying hawk each football game.

Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames was away after Thanksgiving as City offices were closed for the Holiday.  Urban Forester Gabriele Edwards pre-recorded a segment about her life and responsibilities in her position with the City of Ames.  

Wolf Oesterreich, with Big Bluestem Audubon and the Friends of Ada Hayden provided a waterfowl migration report.  Also, Wolf shared insights into a recent bobcat sighting at the Park.  And a timely update centered around the River Otters that people are enjoying at the lake.

Music was provided by Bill Miller, “Not Too Far” in recognition of Native American Heritage Month.


Originally broadcast 11/25/2022