Local Talk for Wednesday. January 18, 2023 began with an Iowa Farmers Union Lunch and Learn. Last Thursday Aaron Lehman, IFU President invited Michael Schmidt to speak on Confinement Animal Feeding Operations. Mr. Schmidt is an attorney for the Iowa Environmental Council.
Further information can be found at iowafarmersunion.org.
The second half of the hour was devoted to Jessica Potter, Director of the Blue Earth County Historical Society. Ms. Potter provided some history concerning the hanging of 38 Dakota men on December 26, 1862. Their crimes were breaking into a warehouse of food to feed a starving nation. A recently completed Memorial Trail Ride of 330 miles took place from Brule, South Dakota to the hanging site in downtown Mankato, Minnesota. Often you see the Trail Ride as 38 plus 2. There were two Chiefs that had been harboring in Canada and were extradited to Mankato and hung in 1864. The Blue Earth County Historical Society wishes only to create a space where Dakota people can tell their own story.
Further information can be found by Googling Dakota 38 plus 2 Memorial Ride; Blue Earth County Historical Society; a documentary film can be located at Smooth Feather Dakota 38.