Antique Tractors

Donna Cowan Newbrough speaks with us about Emma McCarthy Lee Park in Ames. The city recently planned to build four lighted sand volleyball courts in the park. According to the Ames Tribune, plans have been delayed over concerns about potential impact on the park and community. Donna voiced concerns ina letter to the editor and is one of a number of people who are circulating a petition claiming that Emma McCarthy Lee Park is not the suitable location for volleyball courts since it was granted as a natural reserve area and has an important ecosystem that would be destroyed for family use.

Al Cox, B, and Steve Hanson from the Gilbert Tractor Club describe the Antique Tractor Show to be held Saturday June 21 from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the parking lot of Ace Hardware at Grand Ave. and 24th Street. They describe the culture of antique tractor collection and teaching young people about these machines. Cynthia McClure describes the Iowa sheep and wool festival at the Jasper county fairgrounds in Colfax, Iowa.

Originally broadcast 06/13/2014
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