Affordable Healthcare

In celebration of the recent successful pledge drive, the show opened with a brief history of radio in Ames from Alex Fefjar of the Ames Historical Society.

The second enrollment period for insurance using the government sponsored Health Insurance Marketplace runs from November 15 through February 15 and the bulk of the show consists of two interviews about enrolling under the Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as Obamacare). One interview is with Tony Murray of Murray and Associates, an insurance company in Des Moines. The second interview is with Shanette White, who is a government certified Navigator trained to guide people seeking enrollment under ACA. Shanette White works as a Navigator under Planned Parenthood of the Hearland (PPHeartland).

Ruth Wiedemeier, Manager of the Octagon, talks about holiday season events in the downtown district, including the Festival of Trees at the Octagon, and Snow Days sponsored by the Downtown Cultural District.

Belinda Merrit lists live music events available in Ames over the weekend.

Hosts: Ursula Ruedenberg and Kay Puttock


  • OR (800) -318-2596
  • Planned Parenthood of the Heartland: (977) 811-7526 (ask for a Navigator)

Originally broadcast 11/14/2014
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