National Day of Service, MLK Day, Healthiest Ames Initiative


    Guest host Lauris Olson and co-host Gale Seiler talk to:
  • Ashley Maurer of the Volunteer Center of Story County about Day of Service projects happening around Story County
  • ISU students describing how MLK Day was observers in their respective K-12 schools
  • Viveca Dillard and Damarius Fleming about the significance of MLK Day to black students, schools and families
  • Local residents about the movie, Selma, and how it portrays Dr. King in the days leading up to the historic march in Alabama
  • Each other about the history of the holiday and its strong association with service
  • Cheryl Langston, co-chairperson of the Healthiest Ames Initiative, about the $75,000 matching grant the group received two weeks ago

Originally broadcast 01/19/2015
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