November 2015

Arizona Landmine Live Broadcast on Heart of Iowa

Originally broadcast live and loud 11/05/2015
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Blake "Ghost In the Machine" Delaney talks to members of Ames band Arizona Landmine between songs performed in live broadcast on KHOI Community Radio 89.1 MHz. Here Blake quizzes Dan on the profundities of turning 30 years old on live radio. Says Dan "I never thought that radio would be a thing by the time I crossed over into adulthood. Weird".

Pictured are Leon Owusu, Ian Francis, Griffen Clark, birthday boy Daniel Jacobitz, and MC Blake Delaney.

The Bakken Pipeline: A Tale of Two Counties

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 11/04/2015
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Two weeks ago, Boone County Supervisors passed a resolution urging the Iowa Utilities Board to deny Dakota Access LLC a permit to build a crude oil pipeline across Iowa. Yesterday, Story County Supervisors opted not to support a League of Women Voters resolution asking for an independent, unbiased study of environmental and economic impacts of the pipeline, having rejected a more strongly worded resolution earlier this fall. All this occurs in advance of the 10 days of hearings scheduled by the Iowa Utilities Board, the state's ultimate deciding authority, from November 12 through December 2 at Boone County Fairgrounds. Host Greta Anderson welcomes into the studio Boone County Supervisor Tom Foster and share her interviews with two young activists from Boone, LaHoma Simmonds and April Burch. She then speaks with Dave Swenson, Iowa State University economist who has been called as a fact witness to the IUB hearings, about his analysis of the jobs impact of the pipeline. We end with reporting on yesterday's Story County Supervisors meeting, and the voices of supervisors against (Clinton, Sanders) and for (Toot) the LWV resolution. Music by The Ventures!

Student Resolutions, Emergency Alert System, ACVB

Originally broadcast 11/02/2015
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Co-hosts Gale Seiler and Greta Anderson brought three interviewees into the studio. Jazmin Murguia, the Director of Student Diversity in Student Government at ISU, updated us on resolutions passed by Student Government to improve the campus climate for students of color. Melissa Spencer, Deputy Coordinator of the Story County Emergency Management Agency, spoke about the Emergency Alert system that residents can sign up for, and Allyson Walters from the Ames Convention & Visitors Bureau was there to fill us in on what is going on this month in and around Ames.
