November 2015

Ames Cultural Ambassadors

Originally broadcast 11/16/2015 at Noon
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On the noon show for Nov. 16, we had what could be considered Ames Cultural Ambassadors. Our guests live in Ames and perform nationally. One guest is Michael Ching, who recently had a world premiere of his opera Alice Riley in Savannah, Georgia. The other guests were Julie Fox Henson, the assistant concertmaster (pictured to the far left) with the Des Moines Symphony and Alan Henson, the principal cellist with the central Iowa symphony. We talked about their efforts in music education.

KHOI Contributes to National Newscast

Originally broadcast 11/16/2015
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Four KHOI reporters--Ursula Ruedenberg, Greta Anderson, Gale Seiler and youth reporter Max Eness, were "commissioned" by Los Angeles station KPFK to contribute to its national broadcast with on-the-spot, live interviews immediately following the 2nd Democratic Presidential Debate, held at Drake University this past Saturday. Gale and Greta got credentialed for the "Spin Room", where they interviewed campaign managers of the Sanders, Clinton and O'Malley campaigns; Ursula and Max covered the scene outside the debate, snagging an interview with Cornel West and losing a shoe. We start this pledge week show interviewing our good landlord at the Pantorium, Dennis Jones, then tell the stories of our intrepid reporters as they try out a new beat and a new technology. Don't forget to pledge your support to KHOI Community Radio!

People, Events, & the History of the Atom

November 15, 2015 - 4:00pm -- ron

ISU Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Theoretical Chemistry

Sunday November 15 at 4:00 PM
KHOI Radio Station, 410 Douglas Ave. in Ames In honor of KHOI’s Radio’s Fall membership Drive, Dr. Klaus Ruedenberg will give a ground-breaking presentation on the amazing story of human knowledge of atoms, from ancient Greeks to now. This is geared for everyone to  understand,  with  images and descriptions of the people and technology that made today's science possible.
Join us! Refreshments served after the presentation

Bakken Pipeline Hearing

Originally broadcast 11/13/2015 at Noon
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As part of our pledge drive, co-hosts Greta Anderson and Mark Edwards revisit our November 4 "Tale of Two Counties" show on efforts at the county level to stop or slow the Bakken pipeline permitting process--then, we talk with three people who attended the November 12 Iowa Utilities Board public hearing on the pipeline, retired Ames High School earth sciences teacher Jack Troeger, Ames Tribune columnist Larry Koehrson, and a young farmer Julia Slocum, of Lacewing Acres. This kind of hour-long media coverage is available only on KHOI Community Radio, so please, pledge your support!


Originally broadcast 11/13/2015
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On today’s show, we have two excellent segments. First we have Mary Rankin back to the show to talk about sustainability issues issues in the city of Ames. She is the sustainability coordinator for the City of Ames and works with different city departments to increase their efforts at sustainability. Today she brings Kristina Murphy from the water department to the show. Our second guest is Candice Gardner, the Research Director at the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station. She brings Jeff Karstens who is an expert on saving ash tree seeds to preserve ash trees from the emerald ash borer.

Veterans Day and La Poste

Originally broadcast 11/11/2015
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After a tribute to Veteran's Day with a poem by Dennis Maulsby, KHOI reporter Susan Franzen told listeners about her visit to Perry this week to preview Art On The Prairie, a festival featuring visual and graphic arts, poetry, and music in seven buildings in the Historic and Cultural District of Perry. We visited with Jenny Ecklund and Mary Rose Nichols, owners of La Poste, to hear the story of how they saved the historic 1913 Perry post office from demolition and turned it into an event center, art gallery, and social hub. We attended the weekly Handlebar Happy House in the cellar of La Poste where we recorded Kurt Bearinger One-Man Acoustic Band. Dennis gave us his impressions of his past years reading poetry from his new volume of poetry, Near Death, Near Life. in the Hotel Patee and provided a touch of the atmosphere is Art On The Prairie , including the art of winemaking by Covered Bridges Winery and Train Wreck Winery. He closed by reading two poems in honor of veterans who died in World War II.

History of the Atom and Pledge Drive

Originally broadcast 11/09/2015
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On this show, Joe Collins, training facilitator with Iowa Works, and Mary Logsdon, adult services coordinator from the Ames Public library, talking about a series of job search workshops and other upcoming adult services at the Ames Public Library. As you might have heard, our pledge drive starts November 13. We are having Klaus Rudenberg at the studio on Sunday November 15 at 4:00 PM. He gives us a preview of his Lecture on T", that he has given all over the world. Finally, Leanne Harter comes back to the show to share upcoming events in Story County.

Difficult Conversations, Life and Death Topics

Originally broadcast 11/06/2015
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The show starts with the regular monthly report from Susan Gwiasda, Public Relations Officer for the City of Ames. We learn about free yard-waste days, the Sixth Street Bridge replacement project, and other important matters in Ames this month. Susan also tells us that city is now taking applications from neighborhoods that have a space suitable to display one of the sculptures exhibited in downtown Ames. One of these sculptures could find a permanent home in your neighborhood!

The remainder of the show deals with the important issues surrounding mortality and the end of life. First, Emilyn Linden from Ames Public Library tells us about two separated but related adult programs dealing with these topics. Then Joni Williams, the Palliative Care Coordinator at Mary Greeley Medical Center explains the distinction between hospice and palliative care, and delves into many of important matters surrounding these matters.
