Wright County officials are entertaining Prestage Farms' bid to locate its 10,000-kill hog processing plant near Eagle Grove (population 3500). Wright County Economic Development director Bryce Davis, along with county supervisor Karl Helgevold, spell out some of the details of the agreement and why they think it's a good fit for the rural county. Jess Mazour of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement describes a meeting she had with 50 local opponents of the slaughterhouse and their concerns. The first public hearing will be July 25.
Kay Puttock begins the show with an interview of Marissa Conrad, director of Primary Health Care, this month's honoree in KHOI's Community Service Appreciation Program.
Alex Fejfer of the Ames Historical Society narrates the many starts and stops of the city's efforts, in the 1920s and then in the 1940s, to get reliable passageways across Squaw Creek, from downtown to campus. This in anticipation of the re-opening of the 6th Street bridge on August 1.
Online Resources:
- Wright County Economic Development
- Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
- Primary Health Care
- Ames Historical Society
Originally broadcast 07/15/2016
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