November 2012

Living Nativity (Calvary United Methodist Church)

For the 10th consecutive year, parishoners of the United Methodist Church recreate the scene of Christ's birth (as depicted in the Gospels) using real people and animals. Those with cars need not even leave them to view this scene. Call Pat Norcross, the church's secretary, at 515-232-6329 for details. Ms. Norcross can be reached by email at Her church is located on 1403 24th Street in Ames.

Living Nativity (Calvary United Methodist Church)

For the 10th consecutive year, parishoners of the United Methodist Church recreate the scene of Christ's birth (as depicted in the Gospels) using real people and animals. Those with cars need not even leave them to view this scene. Call Pat Norcross, the church's secretary, at 515-232-6329 for details. Ms. Norcross can be reached by email at Her church is located on 1403 24th Street in Ames.
