January 2019

LGBTQ in Agriculture, Happenings in Ames

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 01/04/2019
Listen to the entire episode now!

After Dennis Hart’s news roundup, we heard an audio story prepared by Katherine Williams, a Masters student in Agriculture Education. In it, she explored the field of Agriculture from the perspective of LGBTQ inclusivity. This was part of an assignment for a School of Education course taught by host, Gale Seiler. In the last part of the show, Susan Gwiasda, the Public Relations Officer for the City of Ames, was with us to talk about what’s happening in Ames in January. She mentioned that we now have two outdoor ice rinks in at South River Valley Park in Ames. 

Changing Climate, Hope and Pheasants

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 01/02/2019
Listen to the entire episode now!

We heard from three diverse people about their hopes for local action in 2019.  Linda Murken, County Supervisor elect, speaks about concerns for soil and water and what we can do about it in Story County.  Wildlife Biologist Erv Klaas is organizing local groups for a Climate Action Plan to deal with a climate emergency as described by US government report as well as the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).  And Lucas Bleyle, Ames High School Student, reports on the fears of young people over the predicted climate disaster, as well as the positive things they are doing. Pat Schlarbaum's  phenology on the ring-necked pheasant brings us a better understanding of Iowan's favorite game bird.

The Ames Public Library is sponsoring a series of Programs:


Gather with community members for a light meal, then learn from experts not only why the climate is in crisis, but different ways we can mobilize to reduce greenhouse emissions and sequester carbon. (food at 6:15p, program beginning at 6:30p)

  • Wednesday, 16 Jan, 2019 Learn The Science Behind Climate Change and Why You Should Care

  • Monday, 25 Feb, 2019 Using the Courts to Kick Start Climate Action.  Can Children Show Us a Direct Path Forward?

  • Wednesday, 27 Mar, 2019  Saving Iowa's Soil:  Climate Change and Agriculture

  • Sunday, 14 April, 2019 Ames Reads Leopold


New Year's Eve

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 12/31/2018
Listen to the entire episode now!


Dennis Hart's state news introduces our New Year's Special, featuring an exploration of the tradition of the "Ball Drop" in Times Square with Auld Lang Syne, as well as local celebrations with ballroom dancing.  Kathy Cline, music director of High Society Big Band invites us to the Red Friar's Dance Club New Year's Eve Dance at the Moose Lodge.  Marcus Johnson tells us The Mucky Duck Pub will be creating their own tradition with an original Ball Drop.  Joy Beadleston (aka. Joy B) gives us advice from MADD(Mothers Against Drunk Driving)  for safe travel after holiday parties.  Brad and Gina Perkins, proprietors of Rasberry Hill B&B ,  tell us about their family friendly New Year's dinner and party concluding with a Balloon Drop at midnight.  We conclude our trip with a brief visit to Lynn Wilkinson at Lake Robbins BallroomCrystal Davis from the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau arrives with news of events in Ames on News Year's Eve and through January 2019. 

Loving the Enemy, Ames Progressive Alliance

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 12/28/2018
Listen to the entire episode now!


The show started with Dennis Hart’s news roundup. Then we heard an audio story from a student in an ISU course taught by host, Gale Seiler. In Loving the Enemy, Sam Patterson, a Masters student in the School of Education, interviewed her Japanese grandmother who married an American soldier after WWII and immigrated to the US. In the last half of the show, Ames Progressive Alliance joined us for a retrospective of how they began and the initiatives they have worked on over the past few years, including SunSmart Ames. 
