Print Journalism, Rummage Rampage

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Originally broadcast 08/02/2019
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Today's program featured Michael Crumb, the editor of the Ames Tribune, discussing the future of print journalism, the impact of President Trump's attacks on the press, and the importance of local newspapers. He also talked about how the Tribune interacts with other area newspapers, including the Story City Herald, the Nevada Journal, the Tri County Times and the Boone News-Republican.

Guest Susan Gwiasda, the public relations officer for the City of Ames, talked about the ongoing Rummage Rampage, the city's SunSmart solar program and the September 10 bond election for the Healthy Life Center.

Cultivation Corridor, Rural Industries, Salisbury House

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Originally broadcast 07/31/2019
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Billie Hunt told us about Iowa's Cultivation Corridor and its work to develop partnerships between Iowa farmers or small towns with innovative companies throughout the world. Dustin Ingram, from Ames Economic Development Commission gave us several examples of such developments throughout Story County.

Adam Mason from Citizens for Community Improvement told us about the history of purpose of that organization's recent state convention, Ending on a lighter note, Cynthia McClure shared the fun of her participation in a dramatic "murder dinner" at Salisbury House.

Rummage Rampage, Erv Klaas, Cabin Coffee

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Originally broadcast 07/29/2019
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Dennis Hart gives a rundown of Iowa news.

Rummage Rampage is in full swing! We hear voices from the city-wide rummage sale that re-purposes the things area residents are discarding to keep them out of the landfill. Proceeds from the sales go to support local service groups, including KHOI! Great place to: bring your extra stuff or get great deals on items you can use - while supporting our community's service groups. The rummage sale is located at the Ames Intermodel Facility (the bus depot in campus town) and runs all week from noon to 6 PM and on Saturday from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Parking is free.

Erv Klaas, of the Ames Climate Action Team, reviews local and national state of addressing climate crisis.

An introduction to a new business in town - Cabin Coffee, located on 13th Street near the interstate. We hear from the owners.

Little Free Pantry and the Ames Progressive Alliance

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Originally broadcast 07/26/2019
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Today's program featured an interview with Pastor Kurt Jensen of the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Story City, talking about the Little Free Pantry that was recently dedicated. The pantry offers non-perishable food items to those in need, in addition to paper products, school supplies, diapers, and personal-care items. The pantry is at 510 Pennsylvania Avenue in Story City.

In addition, the program featured members of the Ames Progressive Alliance, interviewing Brad Freihoefer, the director of the Iowa State University Center for LGBTQIA+ Student Success.

Learning Farms, SunSmart in Ames, and Amaranth

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Originally broadcast 07/24/2019
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Our show today started with a compilation from the July 23 City Council Meeting with voices 0f Mayor John Haila, Don Kom, Council Members David Martin, Amber Corrieri, Bronwyn Beaty-Hanson, as well as Erv Klaas speaking for Ames Climate Action team. The unanimous vote to proceed immediately to build SunSmart was followed by the more divisive issue of net metering. The balance of our program dealt with Land Conservation with Jacqueline Comito, Program Director for Iowa Learning Farms, describung various methods they use to foster conservation methods among Iowa farmers. In addition, we spoke with Michelle Young, Jackie's recent guest from the Sustainable Farm Project at National University of Australia comparing the two endeavors.

Our final guest, David Brenner, introduced us to the amazing varieties of amaranth, experienced as "the perfect pest" in some parts of the US, and as a valuable national food source in Mexico.

Lights of Liberty, Amazing Grace Lemonade Run

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Originally broadcast 07/22/2019
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Dennis Hart gives a rundown of Iowa news of the past week.

Some of the comments made by speech-makers at the "Lights for Liberty" rally held in Nevada Iowa last week, to bring attention to concerns over schedules raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) aimed at detaining and deporting people accused of remaining in the US without visas. The Story County jail has contracted to house people being detained and deported. Speakers included: Jamet Colton, Rick Exner, Maria Alcivar, and County Supervisors Lauris Olson and Linda Murken.

KHOI producer and reporter Joy Beadleston speaks with Grace McCunn, the remarkable teenager who has distinguished herself as a humanitarian and successful philanthripist, raising funds for the Blank Hospital in Des Moines. She was recently the subject of an award-winning film and recipient of U.S. Cellular's "The Future of Good" award for under 16 years of age. McCunn is planning the 3rd annual Amazing Grace Lemonade Race to raise funds on July 27.

Marshalltown Tornado

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Originally broadcast 07/19/2019
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Today's program focused on the one-year anniversary of the tornado that caused extensive damage to Marshalltown on July 19, 2018. Emily Barske, the managing editor of the Marshalltown Times-Republican newspaper, and Marshalltown Mayor Joel Greer appeared by telephone, describing what's happened in Marshalltown since that day. Barske talked about several people who had been affected, and Greer discussed on-going repairs to the Marshall County Courthouse, downtown businesses, and the many homes that were damaged.

In addition, Alex Fejfar of the Ames History Center discussed the center's ongoing exhibit of photos of major construction projects in the city's history and its upcoming new exhibit. Maggie Westvold's "Minutes with Maggie" featured another of her takes on life in and around Iowa.

Story County Youth Fair, Climate Justice, Dan Tedesco

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Originally broadcast 07/17/2019
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We started our show today with host Paul Wierson and Eugenia Hartsook, executive director of Story County Extension, reminiscing about how the Story County Fair has changed over the years and what will be happening during this year's Iowa State fair, July 20-24.

Chris Anderson then came on to tell us about the Climate Justice project designed by Collegiate United Methodist Church so that Ames SunSmart Solar can provide cheap power to low-income Ecumenical Housing.

For a change of pace, reporter Greta Anderson brought Dan Tedesco in to preview songs from his new CD American Darkness that he'll be playing at the Pantorium Session tonight. Then artist Cameron Gray told how he developed the ideas and art celebrating Black Culture in at his exhibition "Immersion" at the Des Moines Social Club from 12:00 noon to 7:00 PM July 20.

Jefferson, Kate Shelley, Food for Thought

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Originally broadcast 07/10/2019
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Leanne Harterz, brought us her monthly Story County Report, with Latifah Faisal from the Story County Attorney’s Office telling us about the program to reinstate drivers licenses. Our first guest was Chris Deal, telling us about how Jefferson attracted the attention of Silicone Valley and built a Career Academy in conjunction with DMAAC and the citizens of Jefferson. History Boy Theatre in Jefferson will also be one of the locations for the production of Kate Shelley's Bridge, a new musical by Diana Star Helmer and Gershom Levi. Gershom and the director Mischelle Levi came to the studio to discuss the production as well as listing dates and locations for other performances in central Iowa.

Jean Kresse rounded off summer activities by providing the history and growth of "Food for Thought," which began as a summer feeding program for children under 18, and now includes learning and enrichment components as well as other fun activities. The list of cooperating organizations and churches is impressive.


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