Sen. Warren, Critter Care, Public Safety Radio

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/13/2019
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Reporter Cal Halliburton brought us excerpts from Elizabeth Warrens’ recent visit to Idaho Falls. Naturalist Pat Schlarbaum provided information about not interfering with nature and “rescuing” baby animals from their natural surroundings. Keith Morgan from Story County Emergency Management and Doug Houghton, the Support Services Manager for the Ames Police Department, came by to tell us about the new public safety radio system that will be built here in Story Co over the next few years. 

Mothers Day with Reiman Gardens and Grape Pie. Ames Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development Leadership Series

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/10/2019
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Dennis Hart gives a summary of this past week's local news from the pages of the Ames Tribune.

Sara Buss, Event Coordinator for Ames Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development describes their leadership series and upcoming Leadercast,Super Charged! gathering on Friday May 17. The event will feature presentations on leadership by local personalities, as well as known guest speakers from around the country via video simulcast.

Iowa State and Ames Sustainability Director, Merry Rankin speaks with Ed Lyon, Director of Reiman Gardens about Spring planting, their innovative Hillside Garden, the Reiman Garden plant sale and Mother’s Day at the Garden.

Pat Schlarbaum celebrates Mothers Day with an interview with owners of the John 15 Vineyard in Scranton, Iowa, and their signature grape pie. 

Immigrants, Refugees, Ramadan

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/08/2019
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Nature Reporter Pat Schlarbaum brought us a report on blackbird flocks of all kinds.  Following a compilation of immigrant stories from our archives-- Rick Exner speaking from a "A Day Without Immigrants" at the Iowa Capital in 2017, Marisa Barco telling about the closing of El Buen Gusto a Salvadoran restaurant in Perry last March, and Janet Toering, executive director of All Cultures Equal Community Center in Webster City--David Hanson and Lewis Rosser came into the stations to tell us about the work of AIRA (Ames International Refugee Alliance.  Aladdin Al Katheri wapped up the program with a personal perspective on the meaning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan

Go Red for Women, College Grad, Rental Cap

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/06/2019
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Cathy Adams from the American Heart Association provided information about the dangers of heart disease for women and Go Red for Women. We also heard an interview with Alejandro Martinez about his journey to become the first college graduate in his family. Bronwyn Beatty Hansen, a member of the Ames City Council stopped by. She spoke about the recently passed Iowa legislation that will eliminate the neighborhood rental caps approved by the Ames City Council, as well as Bike to Work Week, which is May 13-19. The City of Ames and other organizations and businesses will sponsor events during that week. 

Politics and May Events

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/03/2019
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After the weekly Triibune news summary from Dennis Hart, Cal Haliburton came in to tell us about KHOI's plans to interview primary candidates between now and the caucuses.  From Boone Community Theatre we had John Hoffman telling us about "Jeeves Intervenes," the comedy opening May 10. Susan Gwiasda, Ames Public Relations described some of the many activities designed to make people a aware of walking, biking, and enjoying the outdoors. 

Young authors and Farmer Storytellers

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/01/2019
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Our May Day program was bursting with creativity.  Our first guest was Dallas Center Grimes 6th grade author Miara Steirwho published her first book when she was eight and has it as her goal to reach 101 classrooms throughout central Iowa telling students how they can also publish their own books.  Then Iowa poet laureate Mary Swander introduced us to her plays dealing with the lives of farmers as well her AGARTS project.  We were joined by Mark Gannon, who is starting a new foundation to set up events where farmers can tell the stories of life on their farms, have them recorded, and make them available online.  We played a couple of these stories from people who farmed on century farms -- Gordon Bivens and Gina McAndrews, (Gina also co-hosted as KHOI's new Farm Reporter.) 

Outdoor Alliance

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 04/29/2019
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Local Talk focused upon Outdoor Alliance, with Pileated Woodpecker phenology.  Fundraising chronology of previous interviews featured Jim Rock with Ames Story Tree and Lawn Service, Stephanie and Todd Burras with Wildbirds Unlimited, Chris Petersen a pig farmer from Mason City, and Arlen Brinkmeyer with Prairie Chickens at Kellerton. 

Sexual Assault Training for Cosmologists, Lucal Bleyle Climate Activist

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 04/26/2019
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Dennis Hart gives a summary of last week''s local news from the pages of the Ames Tribune.

Galady McCollum, writer, human rights worker, and psychologist, is writing a curriculum for online training for cosmologists to prepare them for when their clients reveal that they have been assaulted or suffering abuse. The state of Illinois requires this training. She explains how she came to this work, what is important to know, and why this is being required.

Ames Progressive Alliance interviews Lucal Bleyle, local high school student who is a climate activist and leads a climate crisis club at Ames High School. 

KHOI for All - Wherever You Are

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 04/24/2019
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Our guests today told us stories of how KHOI has connected them to people around the world.  Chris McClure told us about  listening to KHOI on the internet when he was stationed in Kuwait for a year and a half (his wife Cynthia, is a KHOI producer and engineered today's program).  Mary Howard, (producer of  Community Bookshelf  ) told about how her sister listened to her reading her own novel on KHOI while the sister was in Ukraine for six months.  Lonna Nachtigal and Donna Prizgintas (producers of DonnaLonna Kitchen Show) told about how guests from around the world shared the food traditions with their listeners.  Then reporter Gale Seiler described how the issue of the firing of the state director of 4H inspired a podcast on LGBTQ issues in the organization. We ended the show with Don Kom giving us a preview of Ankeny Community Theatre's upcoming production of Proof


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