KHOI Surpasses Kickstarter Fundraising Goal, Looks to the Future

September 17, 2012 - 6:34pm -- Anonymous (not verified)
 Shown on the left is an image of KHOI's current makeshift studio. KHOI's Kickstarter campaign is helping to raise funds to build a real studio that will enable live radio broadcasts.


After months of seeking donations through the crowd funding website Kickstarter, KHOI Community Radio surpassed its fundraising goal last week, receiving even more than the $12,000 it sought.

The benefactors who donated the critical goal-surpassing sum were Erv and Janet Klaas, the second of whom made a Sept. 14 visit to the station and wrote a check for $300.

“I rounded up,” she said, giving her reason for donating more than the station strictly needed.

The KHOI team received the couple’s gift gratefully. Ursula Ruedenberg, interim station manager, said that the station now had to raise only $30,000 more to finance the construction of a broadcast studio.

“This is a milestone,” Ruedenberg said. “It’s a quarter of what we need.”

Kickstarter, a fundraising site for creative projects, imposes an unusual condition on the money raised through it. If support seekers fail to raise the amount they’re aiming to by a given deadline, they receive nothing, no matter how closely they approximate their aim....

KHOI to Commence Classical Broadcasts Sept. 15

September 14, 2012 - 12:53pm -- Anonymous (not verified)

Fans of classical music need turn their dials no further than 89.1 FM this weekend, when KHOI will air its first slate of classical programs.

Roger Berger, a retired Iowa State University professor, will lead the station’s venture into another genre with his show “Saturday Afternoon Opera,” which will air weekly from noon to 3 p.m.

Berger said his programs, which will present excerpts from his favorite composers’ work, would span the different epochs of opera’s development.

KHOI to Broadcast Programs for 11 Days of Global Unity 2012

September 10, 2012 - 10:24am -- Anonymous (not verified)

In celebration of 11 Days of Global Unity, a time during which all are enjoined to work for worldwide peace, KHOI 89.1 FM will be broadcasting a series of 11 programs. Starting Sept. 11, KHOI will air the programs at 8 a.m., 1 p.m and 8 p.m on each of the 11 days. The programs will call listeners to serve, respect and learn from others. All programs will be produced by the central Iowa chapter of 11 Days of Global Unity. 

Though the event has been celebrated since 2004, Heather Withers, an Ames resident and ordained minister of the Unity Church, first committed herself to it in 2008, when she learned about it through her ministry.

Though more than a decade has passed since planes struck the two towers of the World Trade Center, Withers still recalls the global fear those strikes evoked.

Arnie Arnesen and Steffen Schmidt Raise Funds for KHOI May1

May 3, 2012 - 11:02am -- andy.tang


Arnie Arnesen, "Ms.Polical Chowder"and "Dr. Politics" Steffen Schmidt faced off on the hot topics of the day at a fundraiser held for KHOI on May 1 at the Ames Society for the arts. Approximatley 130 KHOI supporters came out for dinner and discussion. Schmidt and Arnesen agreed, by popular demand, to air a program to be broadcast simultaneously on KHOI and WNHN - Arnesen's station in Concord, New Hampshire - that will feature their political commentary and dialogue, similar to "Politics Day," their former program on Iowa Public Radio. To date, $8,650.00 were raised. Some additional funds are coming in the mail as a result of the fund raiser. We hope the letters keep coming as we approach our $10,000 goal for this event! 

In an interview with the Ames Tribune, Arnesen spoke about the value of community radio to our local area: "A Community radio... is a place where you can pull more ideas out and...the difference is we have the time..."

Listen to recordings from the presentations on May 1

We are Starting to Build!

February 21, 2012 - 10:12pm -- steph
KHOI transmitter shed

Our deadline for getting KHOI on the air is August 18 2012. That means that within exactly one half year, we must literally be on the air - you will be hearing the sound of community radio when you turn on the radio and go to 89.1FM!

First, we are addressing the most fundamental equipment for getting on the air: our Radio Transmitter at the base of our transmitting tower (just east of I-35 near Story City).

Poison Control Center Rocks the Pantorium

January 7, 2012 - 12:00am -- steph

If the Ames Pantorium building had any doubts left over, as to whether it still was a dry-cleaner, it now knows  that it is no longer. It was notified on January 7 that it is a cultural venue and community center - and the steam on the windows now is not made by steam machines but by dancing people.

Poison Control Center, Christopher the Conqueror, and Kate Kennedy completely rocked the house and re-arranged the energy during Pandemonium at the Pantorium concert, one of KHOI's two monthly signature events.


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