KHOI Surpasses Kickstarter Fundraising Goal, Looks to the Future
After months of seeking donations through the crowd funding website Kickstarter, KHOI Community Radio surpassed its fundraising goal last week, receiving even more than the $12,000 it sought.
The benefactors who donated the critical goal-surpassing sum were Erv and Janet Klaas, the second of whom made a Sept. 14 visit to the station and wrote a check for $300.
“I rounded up,” she said, giving her reason for donating more than the station strictly needed.
The KHOI team received the couple’s gift gratefully. Ursula Ruedenberg, interim station manager, said that the station now had to raise only $30,000 more to finance the construction of a broadcast studio.
“This is a milestone,” Ruedenberg said. “It’s a quarter of what we need.”
Kickstarter, a fundraising site for creative projects, imposes an unusual condition on the money raised through it. If support seekers fail to raise the amount they’re aiming to by a given deadline, they receive nothing, no matter how closely they approximate their aim....