LOCAL TALK 22 November 2022

Originally broadcast 11/22/2022 

We visit with Todd and Stephnie Burras from Ames, Wildbirds Unlimited (WBU) as we review Winter Feeder Birds, part 1    

KHOI’s Sam Wormley helps us as we begin the funding wrap-up for the week and Sam also provides an update on “Artemus” the NASA space craft shakedown cruise to and from our Moon.

Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames  talks a bit about the story book kiosks at Moore Memorial Park and reminds us of the regular City Council meeting this evening.

Resource Recovery Plant Superintendent Bill Schmitt gives some updates on waste reduction programs: Including pumpkins, glass, metals, batteries, and propane tanks. Also, this and next Saturday are free leaf disposal days at 400 Freel Drive.  

We wrap up the program reviewing our locally produced programs and point out the importance of helping support KHOI (Tune-In Tuesday’s) programing.  Following Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now we have a number of locally produced programs that include: Tom Russell’s; All Things Piano,  Donna/Lonna Kitchen, the Community Book Shelf,  KHOI JukeBox with Eric B,  and Science Bytes with Sam Wormley and your’s truely Mike Meetz.  And we can’t forget later in the evening, Heart 2 Heart messages with Anna Magnusson.

LOCAL TALK 15 November 2022

Originally broadcast 11/15/2022 

Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor Jarrod Troy,  Equine Internal Medicine and Emergency veterinarian at ISU answers questions about Equine Colic the signs to be aware of,  proactive measures to take, and Dr. Troy will also discuss treatments.    

Joe Jayjack, communications specialist with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation shares with us information about the Eula and Lawrence Haggie Conservation Award and visits with us about their 2022 recipient, Ames, Iowa resident James Pease. 

Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames remindes us of the snow ordinance which is now in effect and speaks about the CAP meeting and the regular city council meeting and

Stormwater Analyst Liz Calhoun shares tips for last minute outdoor winterizing for yards and gardens and Liz also shared a brief update on some work in Brookside Park including the importance of the freshwater mussels found in that stretch of the Ioway Creek and what was done to provide for their wellfare.

And of course its KHOI’s Fall fund-drive time and KHOI’s Sam Wormley reminds listeners how important it is to support our community radio station, its volunteer and listener supported mission, and its programing with financial contributions.

LOCAL TALK 11 November 2022

Originally broadcast 11/11/2022 

Listen to the entire episode now! 

Meanwhile, Let’s welcome Dennis Hart with a summary of local  news from the pages of our local newspaper. 

Merry Rankin, Director of Sustainability welcomes Sustainability Coordinator, Steve Kohtz.  We talk  about America Recycles Day coming up on November 15. Discuss a little history about recycling and this annual day committed to recycling. Steve will also provide a sneak peek about the “very interactive event” he is hosting at Iowa State University on recycling.

KHOI’s Pat Schlarbaum discusses with Ames resident Hank Kohler about Hank’s canoe trip of the entire length of the Mississippi River.  Hank will be at JAX Outdoors in west Ames, Saturday 12th November for a book signing about his adventure.

LOCAL TALK 8 November 2022

Originally broadcast 11/08/2022 

Listen to the entire episode now! 

KHOI’s Sam Wormley- discusses the total lunar eclipse that occurred this morning,; it will be over  2 years before we have an opportunity to again witness the phenominal here.

Sara Carmichael, Story County Watershed Coordinator joins us to visit about county conservation updates and review the SCC (Story County Conservation) Survey available to participate until the 10th, November.  We visit about volunteer needs to serve as water quality samplers and discuss the The Headwaters of the South Skunk River and the Watershed Management Authority. 

Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames;  Adresses upcoming council meetings, election day and No charge waste day and then Fire Chief, Rich Higgins; has some fire safety tips to review as we head into the holidays.

7:45 (Meetz)  Sam Wormley, Returns to visit about KHOI Community Radio locally produced programs like Local Talk, CIS, Sci Bytes, All Things Piano, and many other locally produced programming.  An Opportunity through an Olli Winter Course offered through ISU on what it takes to produce a community radio program.   Mike Murphy, Eric Blocker, and Pat Schlarbaum with help from Mike Meetz will facilitate this opportunity for folks to learn and contribute.

LOCAL TALK 4 November 2022

Originally broadcast 11/04/2022 

Local Talk for Friday, November 4, 2022 featured the Dennis Hart news summary from the Ames Tribune.

Andrew Allen, President and CEO of YSS in Ames discussed their many preventative programs for Story county youth and families.  Andrew told about Reggies’ Sleepout for homeless individuals and made an appeal for contributions to YSS.org/holiday giving. Also there are 73 open positions for their very extensive network of forty programs to address the needs of our youth and their families.  

Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames provided announcements for No Charge, Yard Free cleanup day on November 12.  Also, a new program of free saw log lumber at the wood-pile facility at base of cemetery hill on 13th St. on November 12. 

Amber Wengert Iowa State University Extension and Outreach for Story County and Marketing Coordinator, announced upcoming Interact Club for the entire family on Nov. 9 - 16 - 30 and Dec. 7.

InterAct Program for youth and adults for healthy relationships

  1. Pesticide Continuing Instruction course
  2. 4-H and two new Clubs: Cardinal and Gold Stars and Cultivating Hope
  3. Seed saving Webinar on November 9 at 7PM by Bill Johnson IA. DNR Prairie Sed Harvest Biologist
  4. And an open house will be held Nov. 15 from 4 -5PM cultivating Hope addressing autism

Further information can be located at Extension@iastate.edu or calling 515-337-1601 or visiting their offices at 1421 S. Belle Ave. in Ames.

Music was provided by John Trudell.  Mr. Trudell narrated Crazy Horse in honor of Native American Heritage Month.  Also Vicky and Joe Price will be performing Friday Night, Nov. 4 at Alluvial.  For Local Talk we heard “Iowa Crawl.”.

LOCAL TALK 1 November 2022

Originally broadcast 11/01/2022 

Listen to the entire episode now! 

Dr. Molly Lee, Story County Board of Health, joins us for our monthly visit about the latest updates and vaccination information on COVID-19, and Influenza.  We also review current information on Respiratory Syncytial Virus in children. Dr. Lee also shares information about YSS (Youth Shelter Services) and provides information on basic health educational needs as well as physical and mental health services.

We listen in to a conversation with Naturally Speaking author, Steve Lekwa.

Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames;  informs our listeners about city council and the town budget meeting(s). She also reminds listeners that the resource recovery center has a recycling drop off bin for halloween pumpkins and Jack-o-Lanterns.

Gabrielle Edwards, Ames new City Forester, shares a bit about her background, reviews the areas within the city she is responsible for and takes a bit of time to discuss tree species to consider for future plantings.

Finally, we visit withVicki and Joe Price, well known Iowa blues musicians.  They will be performing at Alluvial this coming Friday starting at 7:00 P.M.


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