LOCAL TALK 13 October 2022
Beth Wessel-Kroeschell, incumbant Democrat running for Iowa House, District 45 where she has served since 2005. Ames native shares her goals views and philosophy as she seeks to represent the people of her district.
Story County Conservation Parks Superintendant, Ryan Wiemold Shares a bit about his responsibilities and visits with us about ongoing projects new and future aqcausitions Angling opportunities/hunting seasons-opportunities while stressing safety and respect in the multi-use areas of the public holdings Other events covered include some halloween activites and environmental education projects.
Susan Gwiasda Public Information Officer for the City of Ames reviews a few activities (trick or treat night Monday Octorber 31st 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM) and City Council meetings that are coming up. Along with Deputy Fire Chief Tom Hackett will discuss the Fire Department’s annual Open House on Oct. 15, and some Fire Prevention Week tips.
Dr. Erv Klaas, Iowa State University Professor Emeritus delivers his Prairie Rivers Remembrances. Erv shares his philoshopy, ethics, and vision of our natural environment and provides a challenge to the members of our listening public to raise funds to help with current and future projects.